December 13, 2024 French publication from La Cité des affaires

Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre deuxième portrait inspirant de TVC22 . Fondée en 1990, TVC22 s’est imposée comme une référence incontournable pour les communautés francophones en milieu rural. Cette station de télévision communautaire ne cesse d’innover et de renforcer son engagement envers des pratiques durables. Grâce à sa vision écoresponsable, elle prouve qu’il est possible de marier médias, communauté et respect de l’environnement.

Entreprises d’Ottawa, suivez l’exemple de TVC22 et engagez-vous pour un avenir plus durable ! Rejoignez notre deuxième cohorte dédiée au développement durable. Ne manquez pas cette chance unique de devenir un acteur du changement !

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Facebook : Nous avons le plaisir de vous… – La Cité des Affaires | Facebook

City hosting open house on rec programs, info session on non-profits

Published by Le Vision September 25 2024

Le financement de l’Ontario soutient les entreprises et les organismes francophones dans les CUPR

Publié par Le Vision le 26 juillet 2024

Main Street Pizza, crowned as the city’s best pizza at a Clarence-Rockland Festival competition, is all about one thing: family. 

Published by Le Vision on July 18 2024

Who has the best pizza in Rockland? Finally, we have an answer, and it was revealed during the Clarence-Rockland Festival.  

Published by Le Vision on July 3 2024

Leadership féminin Prescott-Russell lancent la campagne Élevons nos voix

Publié par Le Vision le 21 février 2024

Director of Communication and Production

TVC22 is pleased to welcome its new Director of Communication and Production, Isabela Daszkiewcz.

Message from the new Executive Director

October 11th 2022
Dear listeners,
First of all, it is with great pleasure that I address you as the new General Manager of TVC22. Obviously, the pandemic, the departures of key members of the team, including Stéphanie Simard, Nicole Charbonneau and all the others, have together had a great impact on the organization. So to all of them, I sincerely thank them on behalf of the administrative committee and the members of TVC22.
Now, with your support, that of Videotron, CACTUS, other sponsors, we will make new discoveries; developers of new projects and programs; then, we will innovate to deliver a quality product that meets your needs and expectations, while aiming to ensure the organization’s mission in a responsible manner. That said, I invite you to share your ideas and comments by writing to [email protected].
Finally, since TVC22 is a non-profit organization, having like many other needs a boost to recover from the pandemic, I also invite you to contact us to help, either by offering volunteer time, service in kind, or sponsorships.
Renée Gratton

Important change to the Bingo program

Dear Bingo players,

Following a significant decline in the number of players, the economic impact forces us to make changes to the Bingo program. So, starting Sunday, November 6, 2022, we will attempt a trial period of only one Bingo per month (offered the first Monday of the month) but with the opportunity to win more prizes

Departure of TVC22 General Manager

TVC22 announces that as of today, Ms. Stéphanie Simard, General Manager of the Clarence-Rockland Community Television station, is stepping down as director of the organization to take new challenges as the Executive Director of Unique FM, a radio station in Ottawa which broadcasts a francophone community radio format on the frequency of 94.5 FM.


The position of general manager of TVC22 will be assumed on an interim basis by Mr. Patrick Pagé, who has a strong knowledge in the field of visual production. He was also a teacher in the field at the Cité collégiale. In addition, Patrick has been working in the vicinity of TVC22 for 5 years; he knows the community and its needs having worked as a volunteer in several organizations in the region. It is with dynamism and passion that Patrick undertakes his new role.


The Board of Directors and the employees wish to thank Ms. Simard for her great contribution to TVC22 over the past six years. She was able to restructure the station, professionally administer the coordination of multiple projects, increase the reputation of TVC22 in the community and its surrounding and competently represent the organization to other municipal and regional entities. We wish her the best in her new role.